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i am just me....always smiling...! My posts do tend to go on n on and on.... so pls do bear with me n keep commenting.. ;))

Friday, October 30, 2009


I ve been wanting to write a post about this for quite sometime.....but after yesterday, i felt i had to write something about it....Yesterday night after i got home from the office, I saw that there was no no electricity at home in cochin...I also saw that there was a small gathering of people nearby and a lineman on an electric post. Since there was no electricity and it was so dark at home, I decided to go for a ride to the CUSAT area, on the way back (power supply had not yet been restored), I stopped at the place where there was a gathering and saw that a police patrol jeep and a bike was also present as was also present a wrecked(totalled out completely, windshield shattered, engine compartment was in the shape of a horseshoe...overall unrepairable..) early model honda city, that had crashed into an electric post and even managed to break it....sheesh.... On further enquiry with the onlookers, i found out that it was case of 'DRINK N DRIVE N CRASH'....this thing turned out to be even complicated..... it seems the occupants were youngsters in their late 20's....totally drunk and driving.... a police squad on the way had turned suspicious seeing the erratic zig-zag drivin and had tried to flag down the car, but they didnt stop n not just that they had even runover the feet of a police officer who was in the way tryin to stop the car....that last part took the cake....the other officers immediately alerted dispatch and soon there was a cop chase.... these idiots tried to outrun the cops n in the end they crashed into an electric post near my place and wrecked the car....not only that... as soon as the car came to a halt, the driver got out all bloody as he had smacked his head on the windshield and tried to surrender.....but wts the use, they had injured a cop....the officers got out of the patrol car and dragged the occupants out and smacked, punched and kicked them with their boots....( i am sure they will knw the after effects of that beating, many many years to come fer sure....). First of all, they should have not have been driving while drunk, secondly when they were flagged down by the cops, they should have stopped n would have had to go to the station, get bail and pay a fine of 3000 INR.... but now as a result of their actions... they wrecked the car.....got beaten up and will be charged with numerous sections of the penal code, starting with drunk n drive, damage to public property, intent to murder etc.... for starters. I shudder to think what would have happened if there was any loss of life as a result...as that place where they crashed is where the tiny-tots of the area play in the evenin....by the grace of the almighty, no such untoward incident happned...
So my dear frnds, let this be a lesson to all.... If u are plannin on drinkin, make sure one of you abstain(take turns) n be the designated driver or get somebody else to drive....no matter how expert of a driver you are, your reflexes will be highly delayed and you can always end up makin rash and irrational decisions....DRINK SAFE ;-)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wake up Sid!

Finally got to see` "Wake up Sid" yesterday after numerous failed attempts to do so....pretty neat movie..not the best...not bad either...quite funny actually ;P Lots of parts of the movie did remind me about myself...(i m sure it did remind most of us spoiled lots.. ;P) none of the clubbin stuff...but the dozin off while studyin(happened to me all the time).....not knowin wt to write in the answerbook cos i dozed off(most of the time..yep..) n flunkin as a result..n ya my room is always a mess....but seriously isnt sid very very messy?...there is a limit to messiness....throwin his tshirt on the floor every chance he gets... Ohh ya i liked the part where his dad promises him the porsche cayenne if he works at his dads office for 30 days.....damn..nice dad... ;) tht part so reminded me abt my dad(he didnt promise me a car though..hehe...he told n i obeyed..;P) who finally told me to start coming to the office n familiarise me with the family business after he couldnt stand me wasting my time on the net, watchin tv and sleeping off after returning from coimbatore after my 2 month stint of arrear exams...;P....though i did last more than a week.....i ws there for 3-4 months until my next stint of arrear exams in june....but i guess that did make me a lil responsible n i finally did clr my papers finally....n dad ws actually able to start discussin business stuff with me and i actually started understanding...hehe...the part where sid puts up the porche wallpaper n mutters damn nice car in front of his dad, so reminded me abt myself when i wanted to get my bike n i started showin dad the posters of the bike in magazines n stuff..casually...hehe....all in all a pretty gud movie...n ya...we all do have to 'wake up' sometime.. ;-D
One another thing...we've got to bring the health inspector to lil shenoys...the place is overflowing with rats......one rat actually climbed onto my seat and took the eatable wrapper that ws there n fled....ugghh!
P.S: guys do post n comment your views and similar incidents if any... ;)

Monday, October 12, 2009

College Life!

Everyone i knw starts gushin all over, when the topic of college days comes along.....but ive always felt that it was not the college part that i miss....it was the out of college activities that i so miss(like those infinite second show movies with roomies, weekend hostel escapes(like jail-breaks hehe..where i jump out of the ground floor bathroom balcony, to escape the warden who is waiting at the entrance of the hostel and one of my buddies(my wheelman) waits for me around a corner), bday treats, trips(most of those trips were not planned much in advance and were more of on-the-spot decisions; like goin to ooty at midnight to have tea(as if we dont get tea in coimbatore, it was just an excuse to ride and negotiate those numerous hair-pin curves)), those midnight hoggin sessions at the local truck drivers 'dhaba'(funnily i never got an upset stomach eating at those places.... i guess those 2 yrs of(or lack of) hostel food gave me a upset proof - stomach or sumthin) on the national highway or catch a movie by riding from coimbatore to palakkad and all those jokes and incidents that we have shared in the course of the bond of brotherhood or friendship that was formed those 6-7 yrs ago. Ill always miss our may-june and nov-dec 'get-togethers' with my Brothers-in-arrears(sandy and niyu) ;-P at coimbatore, the dominos cheese-burst sessions, dessert at the siddhapudur pal ada parlour and the animals home that sandy opens up every 6 months in our room..hehe... At the end of this period, we do feel that we have become better people overall.(age at the end is a contributing factor too) I guess that is why we call it college "life", a journey that almost everyone goes through at one point in life, a memory of a life-time....;-D

We have tried to make it a point to meet every 6 months or so on a regular basis, but alas all of us have started going on our seperate ways(ppl r gonna get married, others r goin off to pursue higher education and some of us are going to make a living in the oil-rich region tht we call the middle-east....but I do carry with me a silent hope that we do try to make things work and arrange a get-together atleast once a year.
